Generator Tips
8 Tips for Using a Generator
- Never operate a generator inside or too close to your home
- Never return power to your home
- Allow generator to cool before refilling
- Store and safely dispose of oil and filters to get you through a long outage Don't count on finding the right oil filter for your particular generator after a big storm. Instead, buy extra filters and oil before the storm hits.
- Limit cable length to avoid equipment damage. Never exceed 100 feet total length from generator to unit. The voltage drop over long periods of time can cause the motor and compressor to burn out prematurely.
- Preventing Theft. The only thing worse than a gas engine roaring outside your bedroom window is the silence after someone stole your expensive generator.
- Running Out of Gas Can Get You Expensive Instead, turn off the electrical load and generator before you run out of fuel. Let cool down. Then fill up, restart and connect consumers.
- Bad Fuel Can Hold You Up All generator manufacturers recommend adding fuel stabilizers to the gas to minimize fuel breakdown and varnish and gum formation. However, they stressed that this is no guarantee against future problems. Therefore, many manufacturers and most garages recommend draining the fuel tank and running the carburettor dry (running the engine to a standstill) once the storm season is over.
The danger of Carbon Monoxide (CM)
The main hazards to avoid when using a generator are carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning from toxic engine exhaust, electrocution or electrocution, and fire. Follow the instructions that came with the generator.
- To avoid electric shock, keep the generator dry and do not use it in rain or wet conditions. Work on a dry surface under an open, canopy-like structure, e.g. B. under a tarpaulin supported by poles. Do not touch the generator with wet hands.
- Be sure to turn off the generator and allow it to cool before refuelling. Gasoline spilled on hot engine parts could ignite.
- Store generator fuel in an approved containment container. Use the type of fuel recommended in the instructions or on the generator label.
Local laws may limit the amount of fuel you can store or where it is stored.
Ask your local fire department.
Store fuel away from living quarters in a locked shed or other protected area. To protect against accidental fire, do not store near a fuel-burning appliance, such as an outdoor extension cord, rated at least equal to the sum of the connected appliance loads (in watts or amps).
Make sure all power cords are free from cuts or breaks and that the plug has all three prongs, especially a ground prong.
- Never attempt to feed house wiring by plugging the generator into a wall outlet. This practice, known as "refeeding," puts utility workers, your neighbours, and your home at risk of electrocution.
- Remember that even a properly connected portable generator can become overloaded, which can lead to overload, overheating or generator failure. Be sure to read the instructions.
- If necessary, stagger the runtimes of different devices so as not to overload.
Contact Generator-Boys Here, providing you with generator safety.